Ornithologist | Conservation Biologist
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Birds on beaches are under attack from dogs, photographers and four-wheel drives. Here's how you can help them.
The secret life of Fairy Terns: breeding chronology and life history observations of Sternula nereis nereis in Western Australia.
Application of a novel banding technique and photographic recapture to describe plumage development and behaviour of juvenile Fairy Terns.
Drivers of colony failure in a vulnerable coastal seabird, the Australian Fairy Tern (Sternula nereis nereis)
Australian Fairy Tern conservation in Western Australia
Sharing the coast with beach-nesting birds: Fairy Terns and Little Terns
Seasonal movements and meta-population structure of the Australian Fairy Tern in Western Australia
Nest desertion: an anti-predator strategy of the Australian Fairy Tern, Sternula nereis nereis
Feeding ecology of a threatened coastal seabird across an inner shelf seascape
Social facilitation for conservation planning: understanding Fairy Tern behavior and site selection in response to conspecific audio-visual cues
Inferred predation of Fairy Tern eggs by Ruddy Turnstones
Cat Gets Its Tern: A Case Study of Predation on a Threatened Coastal Seabird
Jumping for joy - Fairy Tern Conservation in Western Australia
Distribution and foraging by non-breeding Caspian Terns on a large temperate estuary of south-western Australia
A long tern view: distribution of small terns (Sternula) in Western Australia and implications for their conservation
Octopus as predators of abalone on a sea ranch.
Diet and trophic role of octopus on a sea ranch.
Regional differences in the feeding of an ambush predator Neosebastes pandus